This guidebook aims at being a helpful tool for youth workers and educators, as well as parents, who wish to introduce youngsters to the world of crafts.
The craft sector is so wide that we could not explore all of it, so we decided to filter, choosing some professions and using raw materials as a starting point. In fact, learning about materials, most of which are offered by nature, is key to understanding how crafts are linked to sustainable development.
This guide gives the floor to craftspeople who kindly accepted to tell us their story. They are professionals in woodworking, wood stove making, glass blowing, organ and harpsichord making, textile, metal engraving and many other crafts. It took years and years of training, repeating gestures, improving techniques, and learning from failures, before they could reach the high level of skills and know-how they have nowadays.
What motivated them was their passion and the belief that there is a future for beauty, for quality and long lasting production, for responsible consumption and for human based professions.
Hoping that the testimonials will inspire new careers, the guidebook is enriched with a list of schools, and workshops where to learn crafts.
CYFE partners are immensely grateful to all professionals who dedicate their time helping young generations to understand the value of crafts.